Click on this link and vote for us, spread the word, etc. We didn't win the lollapalooza contest - but this time we're starting at the beginning of the contest, with a month to go, instead of ten days before the end so we have an even greater chance of success.
I'm so grateful to all of you and hope you all muster the moxie to make your dreams become reality as well. Let me know if you need any help along the way and I'll be there (unless of course I don't agree with your dream, in which case I'll probably try to dissuade you and shift your efforts elsewhere). Anyway I've created a new facebook group for "Vote Moxie to ACL fest" since the "Tour for Poverty" is over.
One last plug- check out these sites which people have shown me in response to my last post that include small things you can do to make change.
The Hunger Site
Generation Engage
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