Monday, June 4, 2007

New Orleans by nightfall, Houston by sunrise

You know you’re on tour when:
    You only eat one meal a day
    You shower once every three days
    You sleep in a closet that doubles as a band practice room
    You sleep entirely on other people’s couches
    You introduce yourself by your web address
    Your schedule consists of only four things: driving, performing, sleeping, and booking
    You think that this sort of lifestyle is “living the dream”

Our talented trio has intrepidly overcome the first wave of paucity and unprepared ness and has now settled in a lush River Oaks pool house to lick their wounds and ready them for the rest of the daunting summer that beckons so innocently. To ready our trusty steed for the challenges that await us on the treacherous thousands of miles of uncharted pavement, we must install a new radiator and battery. To bring the glory of Moxie to all the tribes of the north, we must exchange hours of radiant sunlight for the dim glow of our laptops to book the stages of our conquest and alert the people of our eminent arrival. And to give to the deep night the conversation and laughter it so thoroughly deserves we had to celebrate. Playing games of skill, swimming, imbibing, cooking, and finally dreaming as the sun slipped unexpectedly through the shutters of the Lexington house to tickle Evan’s eyelashes.

Check out our videos on photobucket. There are some funny clips, like this one of Gabe singing.

Quote of the week:
(My aunt, with sarcasm, in response to the fact that we did not have a place to stay in New Orleans)
“I’m sure there are plenty of unoccupied houses you could sleep at”


Anna said...

did the recording turn out okay?

moxie said...

oh sure